Creating the World of Our Dreams:
Peace, Prosperity and Planet

I have always looked for ways to have a positive impact on the world. I was a child of the 60s, an artist, a peace advocate, always an environmentalist, a feminist, a civil rights proponent, a freedom advocate, a writer. I have explored and still explore new ways to effectively cause positive transformation, preserve the planet, inspire people.

My mission is to experience the magic of life every day and create the world of our dreams.

This page is dedicated to my favorite causes, organizations, businesses and individuals who are doing good works in the world, attractive activists working in rainforest preservation and environmentalism, to partnering with indigenous tribes, to helping endangered wolves, to supporting civil rights and liberties across the globe, to ending hunger, and promoting environmental sustainability, social justice and spiritual fulfillment.

When I saw Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth," I was energized yet again to my calling to help preserve the planet for all future generations. Now we have many opportunities to contribute to the environment and the people of the world.

Following are some resources and people doing good works. Please consider some of these organizations and projects when you are looking for more ways to contribute your gifts to the world. We are the ones we've been waiting for!

I believe that green business is key to rapid change in the area of environmental protection. Toward this end I work with the Amazon Herb Company
that unites personal and planetary health and a mission to save the Amazon Rainforest.

Learn how the Amazon Herbs offer
a way to save the rainforest without
activist burn out:

Additionally I provide paper-free promotions with my marketing and design business, Graphic Girlz. We create internet websites and promotions to help businesses grow without the need for wasteful direct-marketing mailings. We also use recycled papers and green printers when print marketing is needed.

Graphic Girlz offers a 10% discount on all services to environmental organizations and projects.

ZRII - THE NEW AMALAKI offers a great product and prosperity plan, while contributing to children in need across the globe.


Get the Organic Guides! at


In addition to green business, I also support a variety of organizations doing important works for the planet. I have been an environmental activist since I was 10 years old and created my first environmentalist poster design (see picture left) with the headline "It's your world, think about it!"

Here is a list of some of the organizations I feel are doing effective and important work toward planetary protection.

Rainforest Preservation

The Circle of Life (Julia Butterfly Hill)

The Pachamama Alliance

Rainforest Action Network

Friends of Calakmul

General Environmentalism

I offset my family's carbon footprint with a low monthly donation of $20! Individuals can offset 100% of their carbon emissions with a $99/year donation. Visit for more information.


I am a proud member of the Natural Resource Defense Council, one of the most effective environmental action groups in the country.

Sierra Club

Green Peace

Pesticide Action Network

Union of Concerned Scientists

Climate Protection Campaign
founded by my friend Ann Hancock to create a positive future for our children by inspiring action in response to the climate crisis. They advance practical, science-based solutions for significant greenhouse gas reductions.


Landmark Education:
I took the Landmark Forum in 1998 and my life has dramatically changed for the better since then. If you want to transform your life in a weekend, this is the course for you. Landmark Education has a committment to transform the world, offering everyone on the planet full self-expression, freedom, and living a life they love.

The Hunger Project ending hunger in our lifetime

Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary - the place that inspired the home page design of this website.
READ my story about the Spirit Wolves.

Here's a link to a newspaper I was involved with for 12 years as a journalist and editor, theorist, and speaker, and who I still support for their excellent articles by feminists, civil rights advocates, labor unionists, youth, and environmentalists from all over the world, and for their committment to the creation of a new truly-humanistic society. The organization and newspaper go by the same name, News & Letters.

News and Letters was started by Raya Dunayevskaya, founder of the Philosophy of Marxist-Humanism in the US, long-time feminist and civil rights activist.

During my tenure in that organization, I co-founded a group called Subjectivity of Sexuality and we published 3 volumes of a journal called Queer Notions that explored the role of sexuality and revolution. Our journal was called "the most important writings on sexuality and revolution that I've seen," by Adrienne Rich, the famous lesbian-feminist poet. If you are curious, yes, that is me writing under the name Julia Jones.


My post-card design for promoting
the Amazon Herb Eco-Business

My first poster design at age 10: 1970



This is a series of children's t-shirts I designed
and illustrated in to raise awareness
of our endangered wild friends.

See more of my design and illustration work at

10% discount for environmental causes and organizations.




All content, graphic design, illustrations and website programming
copyright 2001-2014 by Julia Stege